Usage Guide
PART 1 (first 28 days)
Detox Your Colon And Waste System
One morning drink and one capsule 3x daily is all it takes.
You will:
1. Perform a colonic at home which will begin the cleaning process.
This requires just 4-6 capsules at night for up to 7 nights.
2. Eliminate the toxins that could be causing other health issues.
This is one morning drink and one capsule 3x daily for 21 days.
3. Open the pathways for a lot of other systems (like your liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system) to dump their waste.
At the end of part 1, you will have done a 28-day detox treatment like a colonic at home that has kicked out parasites, candida, SIBO, heavy metals, and all the nasties so you can start with a clean gut free of toxins.
You will feel lighter in the belly, your gut discomfort will have started to ease and you will feel calmer knowing that you have cleaned your system of these nasty toxins.

What Is Included In Part 1:
This product pack contains Our Internal Cleanse and Fibre Shred supplements which are designed to clean out heavy metals, parasites, candida, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). These cause the majority of people’s bloating. Then we replenish your gut with good bacteria, feeding the gut to restore a healthy balance.
Lifetime access to all the videos with daily steps for you to complete over the 28-day Internal Shred challenge. These bite-sized daily videos help keep you motivated as you take your first steps to expel your toxic and parasitic load. We know that some people have cooperative parasites, and they exit the system quickly while others who have years of built-up slimy sludge can take a bit longer.

PART 2 (the next 28 days)
Repopulate Your Gut
One evening drink and one capsule at night is all it takes.
You will:
1. Put in the good bacteria that once again balance your gut for optimum health.
2. Feed the good bacteria so they thrive in their new environment.
3. Begin to recreate the healthy gut-brain connection pathway once again.
At end of part 2, you will have not only re-introduced the good bacteria that is needed for optimum gut health but also given them the best chance of survival with the premium naturopathic formulated supplements provided in the pack. It is after the completion of this phase that you will begin to feel at your peak.
You will feel excited and alert as your mind clarity switches back on and you ditch the brain fog. Any mood swings will begin to become a thing of the past and you will start to feel like your sexy self again.
What Is Included In Part 2:
This product pack includes your probiotic and gut food so you can start to populate the good bacteria in your gut after the bad has been stripped out over the first 28 days.
BONUS 1 worth $89 - free today!
Energise Yourself
You will:
1. Have short daily energy booster audios to help you reclaim your mojo
2. Love how simple reclaiming your health and energy can be
3. Understand how to keep your vibe high so you can smash even the hardest goals.
Thanks to the support of bonus 1, you will have strategies to help you keep your vibes and energy high so you can continue your healthy habits as you exit the challenge, no matter how busy you are. You will be tapping into the power of psychology to add to the physical health adjustments that you are making over the 30 days with us.
You will feel like you have the energy and excitement to be able to take on whatever the day throws at you with a renewed sense of clarity and confidence. Say goodbye to the low days as you use these simple tools to boost your mood any time of the day.

What Is Included In Bonus 1:
This simple yet POWERFUL meditation when done daily with the challenge helps to clear the excess lymphatic fluid that may be sitting in your system and causing bloating and swelling which is killing your energy.
These short videos can be played in your morning so you can start your day with power and at any time that you are needing a pick me up when life hits you upside the head. They are designed to get your mindset back on track so you can keep running forward in your healthiest self.

BONUS 2 worth $129 - free for new Shredders!
Align Your Habits
You will:
1. have simple food guidelines and examples to help with your nutrition.
2. know the simple exercises that you can do to grow your strength and fitness.
3. the ways you can work smarter not harder to reach your health goals.
With the help of bonus 2, you will have simple daily habits that don't take a lot of time. You can implement these not only during the challenge but long after you leave and embark on your new life as your healthiest you.
You will feel capable and excited to implement small changes daily in your diet and exercise plans that you will be able to stick to over the long term or until you are ready to step up to your next level.
What Is Included In Bonus 2:
This powerhouse eBook has been designed to not only go further in-depth on what we have cover each day during the challenge but also gives you daily tips and checklists to help you create simple healthy habits moving forward.
BONUS 3- priceless, included for free!
Master Mindset
You will:
1. Have daily quick tasks to make your health a priority.
2. Overcome the excuses or reasons for quitting on your health in the past.
3. Have the powerful mindset that you are powerful and your health matters.
Bonus 3, will support you to create an unshakable belief in yourself and your ability to be the healthiest version of yourself possible. Someone who is committed to smashing their life goals and living their happiest life. You will have simple hacks and tools to be the most powerful that you can be.
You will feel confident to step out into the world, loving who you are and who you are on the path to becoming. There will be an internal belief that you can be your healthiest self and that you no longer need to fall into the latest fad diet or plan.

What Is Included In Bonus 3:
We know that for some this will be a genuine challenge as mindset issues kick in. Sometimes the bacteria and nasties don't want to exit in a nice way. For this reason, we created daily emails with mindset and motivation to remind you to keep pushing through on the hardest days. We have also included daily journal prompts to help you stay on course.
We have created a Facebook group where we and others in the challenge are with you so you never feel alone during this challenge. This is your support hub and you can come in at any time to get your questions answered or to have your butt kicked if you are having a rough day and want to quit.